New SEO Strategies To Make Your Site Popular

Using On-Page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Increase Placement in Search Results
There's more to SEO than just having excellent content or judicious use of keywords. To drive improvement in your placement in search engine results, there are several key strategies that can reap long-term benefits.

Organization of the web page has just as much to do with SEO results as the content itself.
Having content that will keep the reader on the page is critical for dwell-time statistics. But getting the reader to that well-written page is where on-page SEO makes the difference.
Use an H1 heading at the beginning of your article. This grabs the attention of the reader and the search engine. Make sure to include keywords at or near the beginning of the H1 heading. At least one keyword should appear in the first five words of the heading. Leverage H2 headings that support the topic of the H1 heading. Have the H2 headings use the same or similar keywords. Be the Authority Your Customers Are Looking For
Your customers found you because they had a question and they typed it into a search engine. Your content and your page need to provide in-depth answers to the common questions that your customers are asking.

Everything Should Relate to Your Topic
Use multimedia to draw and keep your customers' attention. To help with relevance-checking in the SEO, make sure to name your multimedia file with keywords.

Don't Forget Your References
If you have links to external sites, it can increase your relevance score and help the search engine to determine how your page relates to other, similar pages. This may also increase the behind-the-scenes quality score for your page. But make sure the links provide value to the customer: Providing the customer with links to external resources may drive them to bookmark and return to your page.

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