Why Automated SEO Reports Fall Short

When a website's owner hires an SEO firm or stand-alone specialist to improve their site's long-term prospects for beneficially high positions in Google's SERPs, one of the services expected of the workers is a routine report that shines a light on the current levels of success the site is coming across. Data regarding the amount of traffic flowing into the site and what demographics make up that traffic is critically important because the changes each figure undergoes each month can be interpreted as the current SEO plan bearing fruit. Because SEO is a slow process that aims to gradually improve the site's rankings over a period of at least several months, data reports help inform the worker of what SEO tactics have worked thus far and which subsequent tactics and milestones should be pursued next.

However, the common practice of automatically generating reports that just consist of data and sending them to the client is fraught with pitfalls because the automated mechanisms do not employ or grasp context the way a trained human observer can. While honesty with the client is obviously overwhelmingly important, it is part of an SEO specialist's job to interpret the data returned by the analytics software and provide a curated perspective on the implications behind each data point. Otherwise, any slight fluctuation in a data point from one month to the next will likely be met with a stronger reaction from the client than it warrants.

For example, a report giving a straight figure on the number of impressions made on a given on-site feature will likely prompt clients to request an increase in this figure regardless of other relevant concerns. If the SEO worker is personally explaining what each point on the report indicates, however, then the client will have much less opportunity to register alarm over factors such as the site having technically built fewer content pages and received fewer backlinks for the month. Similarly, the worker will head off potential criticism if they are on hand to immediately explain why the report mentions newly broken links and redirects on the site. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/e7ut62/creatingautomatedseoreportsfor_clients/.