Transitioning From Freelance SEO Work to a Full-Time Job

Are you considering working for yourself full-time doing SEO? If you're quitting your day job, there's a lot to consider first. You will give up the security of a steady paycheck and benefits, but gaining something even better; the feeling of controlling your own destiny.

Whether you can make it financially is another story. Your success mostly depends on yourself, but there are some elements of luck involved too. Circumstances like the economy and pandemics play a part in how many clients you get. There are some things you can do to give yourself the best possible chance:

Dress for Success

Working for yourself sounds great; you can sit around in pajamas or sweat pants and be comfortable while you work. Unfortunately, this puts you in the wrong mindset. Dress like a professional and you'll feel like one. Dressing for work also lets people know you're busy, even though you are home during the day. They won't stop over and think they can chat or have you wait for packages for them while you're working.

Value Yourself

If you don't value yourself, potential clients won't either. Charge a competitive rate, but don't aim to have the lowest fees. If people are shopping for an SEO professional by price alone, everything they have, including their website and what they sell, is the cheapest they could find. They won't pay for the services they need to do SEO right, and then they won't like the results.

Learn to Market Yourself

If people don't know about your services, they can't hire you. Learn about digital marketing, so you can promote yourself to people looking for personalized services. Know who your potential clients are and then go after them.

It won't be easy and there are many days you will feel like giving up. Perseverance is essential to becoming a success. For more information click here