Title: "Google My Business Optimization Services Could Rebound Your Shop"

In the world of search engine optimization, there will always be situations in which professionals will encounter certain types of projects for the very first time. General SEO projects tend to focus on a global, regional, or national levels; this is because until about 2005, the internet was mostly considered to be a force of globalization. Once Google began to modify its search engine crawler and indexing algorithms to improve local results, the playing field changed forever.

These days, it is not unusual to find agencies or self-employed professionals who are solely dedicated to local SEO. For SEO professionals who have only completed general or national projects, going local may seem like a whole different ball game, and for the most part it is. The most important factor to take into account when doing local SEO is the geographical appeal of the client's brand presence.

Local SEO is not so much focused on online reputation as it is focused on boosting page rank based on certain parameters that searchers may not even be aware of. In 2020, the first step towards boosting local SEO is to pay attention to Google My Business (GMB), which is essentially a remnant of the old and failed Google Plus social network. Completely filling out all GMB data with a great degree of accuracy is crucial in order to advance websites on a local level.

One aspect of GMB that is often overlooked is the posts section. This feature has been around since 2016, but it was only recently that Google engineers have gotten around to highlight its importance. A GMB post only needs to be about 100 to 300 words in length. There must be either a photo or a short video included with every GMB post; the content must be relevant to the client's business, and it must also be fresh because it will expire in just seven days.

GMB posts have been upgraded with a call-to-action feature and even separate insights that can be accessed from Google Analytics. A secret seldom shared by local SEO agencies is that they have been relying solely on GMB profiles and GMB posts to get significant results. If you are new to local SEO, your best bet is to learn all about GMB. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/i0boba/startingmyfirstlocalseoclientany_advice/.