Tips On Dating Your Blog For Maximum SERP Exposure

When a website that maintains a regular blog feature posts an article, the crawlers employed by Google can be expected to index it and have the article appear in generated search engine results pages in reasonably short order. Once the article is on Google's radar in this fashion, any subsequent changes to its content should be reflected on the generated SERPs more quickly than before. Depending on how the blog mechanically handles recording and displaying the date and time at which a given article was originally posted, however, the SERP snippet representing and linking to the article might still display its original date of posting despite the presence of updated content. The accompanying date for a blog article can make the article seem like it was never updated if the date is allowed to remain the same in the SERPs. If the article in question reached a particularly high level of prominence in terms of Google's ranking algorithms before undergoing changes and expansion, it would be all the more important to find a way to replace the date with a far more recent one that readily makes the existence of revised content apparent to search engines' users. However, SERPs will likely retain the original date even if the author attempts to insert a note with a new date into the content portion of the article. The structure of the database system governing the website needs to allow blog posts to support functionality for alternatively displaying the dates at which they were last updated so that the SERPs can recognize those dates to be "official" enough to warrant being displayed within relevant snippets. To further emphasize to potential readers glancing at an article's SERP snippet that it has been given a significant update, the website should include an eye-catching phrase within its title tag that clearly announces that it has been updated for the current month and year. Changes like these are often easier to carry out on websites that are based on popular platforms like WordPress because plugins like Yoast streamline and simplify the process of implementing them. For more information click here