The Role of Title Tags in Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization isn't always easy to understand. As a matter of fact, it's actually quite difficult to excel on search engines for two main reasons: first, there are literally hundreds of factors that go into search result ranking factors for sites like Google and Yahoo; secondly, with so much competition on the World Wide Web in hopes of getting noticed, sites must perfect their strategies to actually get ahead on Google and company.

While some pages can effectively get their parent companies ranked on the front page of the Internet, they typically have to have tens of pages to improve their chances of sufficient exposure by a significant factor.

Title tags are important for success on search engines in hopes of getting ranked on the front page, if not above the fold, if you're lucky - skilled is the more appropriate term, with dedicated taking a close second.

But What Exactly Are Title Tags, Anyways?

Let's imagine - go to a search engine of your choosing and try it out, if desired - that you search for local blueberry vendors in hopes of finding their blogs, so you can learn more about blueberries, farmers markets, and each vendor's personal details.

For every result that shows up on your computer, you'll find that each page has a title tag, or the title that shows up on search engines. Title tags aren't actually the titles of such pages, however, but they are, in fact, how Internet users can make sense of and differentiate between various results.

For the search you may have just attempted, the first title tag begins with "Blueberry Festivals in 2018: Where, When...," where the second result says "Fresh Berries."

It's important that each title tag for your pages are all different. Further, the answer to what the best title tags consist of won't always be the same from one search engine optimization expert to the other, though many consider the following layout to be supreme:

"Enter primary keyword here": "Enter location here" | "Enter Business Name Here"