The need for website speed is real. Learn more here.

Website speed refers to how fast the browser loads a webpage. If it is too slow, users will click the back button as it negatively affects the user experience, especially on mobile devices. Speed also affects a website's ranking as Google and other major search engines prefers sites which offer a good UX.

Testing Your Sit's Performance

Your webpage should fully load in three seconds or less. After three seconds, most people get frustrated and leave. You can use free tools to test your website's performance, including PageSpeed Insights and Cloudflare. If you have visitors worldwide, find a tool which tests your site's performance from different cities worldwide. You may want to consider a content delivery network with servers across the world. CDNs speed up your site by delivering content from the closest location to the visitor.

Speeding Up Your Site's Load Time

Minimize the number and size of your website's files. There are many sites offering free tools to optimize your JPEG or PNG images. Always load above the fold content first using lazy loading so the users feels the site loaded quickly.

Ads will slow down your site load time. It is a trade off for earning revenue. If you notice your page load time increasing, cut back on your ads.

It May Not Be the Webmaster's Fault

Websites will naturally load slower for a mobile user on a 3G network than one on a 4G network. If an individual is in a crowd, 4G can be slower. Fewer people have older 3G phones so their network could be faster. A person's ISP's service also impact a site's performance.

Making your site load quickly, especially for mobile users as they can be more impatient than desktop users. You will reap numerous rewards, such as a better ranking in search engines, a lower bounce rate and more conversions.

Websites will naturally load slower for a mobile user on a 3G network For more information click here