The Lazy Person's Guide To Learning SEO

Search engine optimization is arguably the most talked about topic on the Internet. Besides Google's incredibly helpful SEO Starter Guide, there's MOZ, Search Engine Journal, Ahrefs blog and other blogs which give an overview of the topic. You will also find free tutorials on everything from link building to creating SEO-friendly ALT tags for images from trusted sources. Use these to learn specifics about how to do the tips you read about in these blogs. Study e-commerce, local, international and enterprise SEO in addition to regular SEIO.

Next, learn about creating content. Google says the three most important SEO factors are "content, content and content." Copy Blogger is an excellent resource. Learn how to create headlines as well. Content is worthless if no one is intrigued by the title and passes it by.

Once you have a basic understanding of SEO, it's time to try what you've learned. Buy a cheap domain and create a website. This site will serve as the start of your portfolio. Choose a low competition niche so you have a better chance of ranking well. Additionally, choose a niche you know something about to make it easier to write content. Practice what you've learned on the site and document what you do and how it affects your position in the search engine results. This will serve as proof of your skill and you can use the site as a case study. Use Google Analytics to document your traffic as well.

Next, explore the free SEO tools available online for keyword research or checking links. Become familiar with them as SEO professionals use paid tools every day.

Finally, create several more sites. Try creating a local site about your community or find a local non-profit and offer to help them for free. Document everything so you can see what works best. For more information click here