Site Migration Issues To Expect And How To Fix Them

There are many reasons for site migrations, including switching hosts, domains or CMSs. You have to decide if it a migration is worth the risk of affecting your traffic. Problems can range from broken canonicals, loops, missing redirects and more. All problems are fixable given enough time and money. Some migrations are disastrous; the Internet is full of horror stories of companies losing traffic and potential revenue.

The key to a successful migration is to make sure you have a detail-oriented team with the technical skills to handle the migration. You definitely need an experienced back-end developer to make sure the site works, and usability specialist to ensure visitors find what they need. You'll need a technical SEO expert to make sure search engines know what is going on. Pull in a marketing person as well, who can ensure links on PPC ads and other marketing assets go to the right destination.

If you or your company botched a migration, you need help as soon as possible. First, determine what is wrong so you can explain the problem to whoever you get to fix it. Does Google have a problem crawling your site? Is Google bot blocked from crawling pages that it should crawl? Are redirects working? Is all your content still available? Use Google Search Console to discover the issues keeping your migration from being successful.

Finding the right agency to fix your issues is essential. An SEO firm may help if they have a top-notch team of developers on staff, but a firm that only does SEO and does not build fully custom websites, might not be up to the task. If you've migrated to a new platform, they may have migration specialists who can clean up the mess. Consider hiring a CTO if you don't have one. He or she can assess the problem and determine the specialist services you'll need to fix the problems. For more information click here