SEO is a lot of work but not with these tips

Google Analytics provides an almost overwhelming amount of data; if you focused on all of the metrics, you would have no time left to operate your online business. The key to getting the most out of Google Analytics is to decide which metrics will help you reach your business goals.

Tracking conversions, whether they are AdSense clicks, purchases or newsletter signups, is obviously vital, since conversions are your ultimate goal. Find out which pages are not converting visitors and optimize them by trying larger Buy Now buttons or make the button a bright, contrasting color. Additionally, pay attention to your revenue per conversion. If you raise your prices, you may see fewer conversions, however, if your revenue increases, you are better off.

If your data analysis shows that your site receives hardly any traffic, then stop worrying about a website redesign and start working on your content. Remember, organic traffic from Google is free and Google says content is king. If you are redesigning your site with a responsive template that is a different story; sites have to be responsive now. You will want to determine where your traffic is coming from to find the weak points that are not driving traffic.

Check to see which keywords are driving traffic. This metric is important because you need to know what queries your target customer uses to search. You may discover keywords that you never thought to use.

If your bounce rate is high, find out why visitors are not finding what they expected when they clicked on your link. Google rewards sites with low bounce rates, believing that they are relevant to the search query.

Conversions should be your key performance indicator (KPI), because without conversions, you are wasting your efforts. Traffic is great, but if it does not convert, there is no point in optimizing your website.