SEO Battles: When to Fight and When to Run

As an SEO professional, you'll deal with clients who expect you to do everything. Rarely, you'll run in to a client opposed to change and doesn't want you to change certain thing even though it would help their rankings. You must realize they get attached to their website and its content because they feel it represents their business.

First, determine who makes the final decision before you waste time explaining why it's important to make a change. Explaining SEO, especially the one point the client refuses to change, to someone who does not understand it without sounding condescending is a skill every SEO professional will need in their career.

Pick your battles. If your client won't allow you to change page titles, try to work with what you have if you cannot convince them otherwise and concentrate on the page content and headers. If your client won't change his or her site so it is mobile-friendly, you have a problem. If you cannot convince the client with statistics, you may want to drop the client.

It's far more likely to have a client who demands the top position on Google right away than one who has trouble with change. SEO is a long-term strategy and it take three to six months to see results. Unfortunately, if you convince a client to change something they did not want to change and they don't see immediate results, they may want you to change it back.

As an SEO professional, you will get difficult clients frequently. SEO is expensive and business owners want to see a return on their investment. They may be used to PPC advertising where they see an immediate increase in traffic and sales.

You will also see clients who did their own SEO and hurt their rankings. They don't want you to disavow the links they bought; they just want you to do something else. Good luck with these clients, you will need it. For more information click here