Pay Attention to Where Long-tailed Keywords Are Used on Pages

You can target closely related keywords on a single page of your website. Say you sell handmade soap online. You can target buy handmade soap and handmade soap online on a single page because someone who uses either search term would be happy to land on a page offering your handmade soap.

You cannot use different keywords, such as handmade soap and organic shampoo, on the same page if you sell them on different pages of your website. It will confuse visitors and made them hit the back button. Google sees a page with a high bounce rate as irrelevant to the search term so you won’t do yourself any favors by targeting too many keywords.

If you don't have an e-commerce site, you can get away with targeting multiple keywords per page. In-depth articles are likely to cover several closely related topics. If a page only has 100 to 200 works, only use one keyword or it will appear that you have thin content. Some narrowly focused topics only require a paragraph or two; it all depends on your niche. Don't make your site architecture too large by trying to have one keyword per page. You'll reduce the authority of each page in the eyes of search engines.

When you write page content for visitors, not search engines, you'll naturally incorporate several different, but closely related, long-tail keywords. Use synonyms, such as diet pills and weight loss pills to incorporate more keywords without sounding like you are keyword stuffing.

To find closely related keyword suggestions, use Google's People also Ask box. Sometimes, you can find new keyword phrases to incorporate in your content. These are featured snippets. If you can't find anything useful, create your own content and use Schema to tell Google you have the right answer on your site. For more information click here