Nurturing Your SEO Content with Faith and Intent.

A person who does SEO marketing posted in a large online community lamented that SEO requires a huge leap of faith. A person has to work hard on a project and wait as long as nine months in order to see any results. In that regard, SEO is like having a baby. A person follows the best practices, builds great content and strong pages and spends a lot of hours on a single site with nothing to show for it in the short-term. Nine months later, there's a flood of traffic, and the site ranks second for a top keyword.

SEO requires a huge leap of faith, you got to work away on a project and you'll get results some time in 9 months time. One person replied and said that after five months in a specific niche, they got 35 to 45 views per day. This was from two to eight clicks on affiliate links. This person earns about 3 Euros each month, which inspired them to keep going. They haven't invested any money. They just write content and use the tips they found on Yoast. A person replied to the and said that the first commission is always the best.

A person had advice for the original poster. They said to aim for buying intent keywords. Those include keywords containing terms such as best, reviews and top. These should be paired with long keywords with the full and specific name of a product or service. Do this instead of category searches. A person seconded this and said that the original poster will have a better idea of which sites convert well if they do SEO for a variety of topics.

Another individual said they started a site about two years ago. After three months, they earned $100. It was the first affiliate site they had made in years. They took about one month to find a niche and sweet spot. They keep learning but don't do anything fancy. A commentator said that if the original poster gets excited by learning, SEO will have a lot of intrinsic rewards. For more information click here