Local SEO Strategies to Boost Your Business

Local SEO is a tricky beast. If you design websites for clients that are trying to reach a local audience, the SEO process is different than it would be for an online retailer. There are some very specific elements that need to be present on the website pages. Some of these are common sense but still get overlooked by designers. Making sure that your designers include a few basic elements will simplify the process of getting a site ranked in Google.

An Appropriate Header

The basic information for a local business should be included on the website's header. The name, address, and phone number of the business should be prominently displayed. Placing it in the header guarantees that it is visible on every page of the website.

Sliders for a Call to Action

Using sliders for the all-important call to action is an effective way to include this element on each page. Some designers make the mistake of omitting a call to action from a website's landing page. Visitors should be compelled to contact the local business directly from the moment they land on the site, because some visitors will never go beyond the first page.

Use of Relevant Keywords

Keywords are crucial for local SEO. They may even carry more weight than usual because the competition for ranking is smaller. The manner in which Google ranks local businesses is dependent on relevancy. You must stress the use of keywords that relate specifically to the service your client offers. This is a good opportunity to focus on keyword phrases like "tire repair in Houston" instead of single keywords.

Use of Google Tools

Finding a way to incorporate Google's tools into a client's website is a great way to improve local SEO. This means using elements like Google Maps and a Google Office tour as part of the landing page. These things help locals find a client't business, and Google respects that in its ranking algorithm.

Take some time to educate yourself on best local SEO practices. The reward for doing so could be more paying clients.