Is There Really a Nexus Between Organic SEO and Schema?

As with many other aspects of search engine optimization, there are various opinions and a lack of strong consensus with regard to the use of structured data. Some SEO professionals believe that schema correlates with organic SEO; however, many others are not so sure about this. The key problem with all of the opinions regarding the use of structured data is that there is not clear, definitive data to base its analysis.

The lack of consensus among SEO professionals as to why structured data may or may not influence the organic SEO process lies within the definition of schema. Structured data should be considered to be part of technical SEO, and it will always be organic as long as it does not involve paid advertising strategies such as click-through marketing.

SEO professionals have tried to use structured data for a number of years and have come up with multiple different sets of layouts until Google introduced schema and we were all obligated to apply it. Schema does not really help visitors because they cannot really see it when they are browsing a page; the way Google has deemed data to be structured is solely for the benefit of the search engine crawlers. Still, the discussion has lately centered on whether schema is a ranking factor in and of itself, and the answers are mixed.

Some website administrators who manage their own SEO have reported massive influx of traffic after they applied the Google schema guidelines to the pages where they feature how-to content. This makes complete sense insofar as the search engine crawler seeing that the page is friendly to display as a result; in other words, some searchers may see a specific step or set of instructions highlighted, thus clicking through for direct navigation.

The situation above describes the relation between SEO and structured data. It should not be seen as organic because only the content itself can provide such as boost. If a how-to article is not helpful or unclear, the bounce rate of the page would increase, thus bringing search engine ranking down in a truly organic fashion. For more information click here