How to Make the Most of SEO on Social Media

With many small businesses feeling the pinch during the pandemic, their SEO providers are seeing them cancel services. A travel firm that lost all their business can't afford to pay for SEO, even if they have a monthly contract. Some firms are reporting losing more than half their business, depending on the typical clients they serve. They're calling it brutal.

Clients Who Understand Now is the Time to Get Ahead of Competitors

Some SEO firms have clients who are seizing the opportunity to get ahead of their competitors who have canceled their ongoing SEO. They know that when the economy picks back up, they will more than likely to outrank their competitors who have done nothing.

Discounting Services

A few SEO and digital marketing agencies have been able to give their clients a free month or discounted rates. One digital marketing agency is offering to help small, local businesses get the word out about their reduced hours or limited services for free.

It Will Get Better

It will get better. China, the starting point for the pandemic, is already showing signs of getting back to normal. Employees are returning to work and China is lifting the lockdowns. SEO firms can counsel their clients to refocus their efforts instead of cutting out SEO.

Pushing Social Media Marketing

SEO firms skilled in social media can push their services for clients who need to connect with their customers and let them know what's going on. More people are browsing on social media since they are stuck at home. They want to know where they can shop online or locally.

Naturally, it's difficult to get clients to pay for services when they are worried about meeting payroll or paying for rent and utilities. Concentrate on clients who can benefit from the pandemic by selling essentials or providing essential services. For more information click here