How to Handle a Bad Website as a Designer or Marketing Specialist

In a large online design community, a person asked others if they had ever been handed a dumpster fire of a website and had to get it back on track. This person said that it seems to be the norm for site designers and SEO marketers to get a customer whose website is a train wreck. They wanted to know how others went about optimizing a hot mess. Specifically, the original poster wanted to know how others got around different constraints in order to turn around a terrible website.

One person started by sharing their experience. They said they had an interview for a position as the head of digital marketing at a medium-sized multinational business in a European country. They were asked to show an audit of the site in their interview. They were interviewed by the company's head of marketing and head of information technology.

Without a doubt, it was the worst website the interviewee had ever seen. It had no actual content. There was a "welcome to our site" banner on the front page. Other pages were blank. There were slow JavaScript animations. The endless navigational holes made it impossible to find anything. There was no cohesion in the visual branding. The site had no keywords or meta information.

The interviewee showed the interviewers how low the site ranked. They showed how the competitors ranked. The interviewee also demonstrated how non-intuitive the eCommerce part of the site was. At the end of the presentation, the interviewee was greeted with a moment of silence. The head of information technology shared that they designed the site. The interviewee responded with a statement that they could fix it.

They got the job. The person started on a staging server at zero. They built a brand-new site with original images take by a professional photographer. They used a lot of light on the site. The person had to use SharePoint, but they were able to build a new template to reflect the upgraded brand. They installed a new schema for navigation. This person also added a multilingual menu to reflect Europe. For more information click here