How Inbound and Outbound Links Influence SEO Ranking

There is no question about the importance of backlinks when it comes to SEO. Having an authority site link to your web page can increase your site's esteem in Google's eyes. But what about the site that links out to yours? Does that site benefit from giving you a backlink? The efficacy of inbound and outbound links is something often debated by SEO professionals. Many specialists see little value in providing outbound links, but this belief is flawed. Just as a link to your page from an authority site creates value for the web visitor, so do the good links you provide to other sources. Good outbound links are ones that direct visitors to the source of research from an academic journal, or provide added information that you haven't covered with your own pages. Google regards this type of linking as beneficial to the web visitor. Good links are related to the topic at hand and do not lead web surfers down a rabbit hole. Backlinks, on the other hand, signify to Google that other websites value the information you are presenting. When those links come from sites with a good reputation and a high page rank, their value for you goes up. The best way to think about how inbound and outbound links are beneficial is to try and see SEO through Google's eyes. Although Google is often criticized for its ranking algorithms, the search giant does have good intentions. Google wants the Internet to be a place where individuals can find relevant information in a short period of time. It's called the Web for a reason. The idea is to connect valuable pieces of information in a way that has a natural flow. Both inbound and outbound links have value to search engine optimization. That value, however, is strictly related to the quality of a link. Building a page with tons of outbound links to sites of little value is pointless. The same can be said for backlinks. Doing that may even get you penalized and drop your ranking. For more information click here