How Can You Improve SEO By Using A Keyword Research Tool?

Have you fallen in the trap of chasing only high volume keywords with buyer intent? If you have a relatively new website in a competitive industry, look for keywords with less competition. You have a shot at ranking well for low competition keywords which will bring you visibility and traffic.

There’s a lot of competition in some niches. Be realistic; you will not rank well for weight loss, loans or credit cards right away. You shouldn’t avoid these niches as they are usually lucrative, however, you can find low competition keyword phrases to get started. Try weight loss for seniors or loans for home repair at first and build up to higher competition keywords.

Use a keyword research tool to find low competition keywords and then create in-depth articles using variations of your target keyword phrase throughout the article. Use natural language; your goal is to write for people, not search engines.

It's more lucrative to be on the first page of the SERPs for a low volume keyword than be on page 20 for a high volume keyword. Make the most of the traffic your get by optimizing your site for conversions so you will begin earning money. Build an email list and use social media to drive additional traffic to your website.

Use your Google Analytics to find more long-tail keywords which people are using to find your website. You may find some of your secondary keyword phrases, the ones you used as variations in an article so you didn't repeat the keyword phrase too often, are bringing you traffic.

Ranking for high competition keywords is a long-term goal. If you're using low competition keywords, they probably already contain a high competition keyword. Eventually, you will begin ranking for weight loss, not just weight loss for seniors. For more information click here