Google is Getting too Smart; Sites Aren't Being Visited Anymore

What will happen if Google keeps doing such a good job answering simple search queries that people don't need to click on sites anymore? It's already happening. A recent study found up to half of all searches resulted in no clicks on organic or paid results.

For searchers, the benefit is obvious. They get the information they need right away, which is useful for people on mobile devices. If a person just needs a definition of a word, there's no need to visit a dictionary website. Google takes the information and displays it, encouraging the searcher not to click on a result. They use someone else's hard work, without providing the publisher any potential benefit.

Sometimes, this isn't bad for the publisher. A person trying to find a local store's hours can easily get the information without visiting the local business' website. The business gets foot traffic, since the searcher already decided to visit the store before searching for the store's hours. The goal of the website would be to get someone to come in, which it accomplished by making it easy for Google to display the information in the search results.

Other publishers are left out in the cold with zero-click searches. A simple search for zero-click searches on Google will give a user a great deal of basic information under the People Also Ask feature. Granted, there is a link to the site where Google obtained the information, but if someone just wanted an overview, there's no need to click on any of the links.

SEO professionals will have to adapt to zero-click searches, Some SEO tools already offer clicks per search data for keywords. Searchers will click on results for certain keywords more than others. Publishers who rely on traffic to earn revenue will have to pay attention to these keywords. Search volume is no longer enough for effective keyword research. For more information click here