Google Elevates Quality Content Over Traffic In May 2020 Core Update

Google's at it again with the announcement of another major core update to their search algorithm. This time, they have chose a simple name, the May 2020 Core Update, and not the name of an animal. Sites are already being affected, although the update will take weeks to roll out. Once the update is complete, reverses and gains in the SERPs for individual sites could change.

According to Google's Webmaster Central Blog, the May 2020 Core Update focuses on rewarding quality content. They do not explicitly say so, but they gave advice on how to ensure you're producing quality content. It does not focus on specific industries.

Google's advice includes making sure you're offering original content with fresh research, insights or information. Content should also be in-depth, providing readers with a comprehensive view of the subject. One way Google suggests for determining if your content is good enough is to see if you would share it with others.

Expertise is important in all sectors, not just health, legal and financial industries. Publishers should highlight the author's credentials to make their site appear trustworthy. Credential can include college degrees, membership in professional organizations or simply enthusiasts who demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the subject.

Google does not specifically mention backlinks, but recent trends show they may look at no follow links to gauge your site's popularity. They will only look at quality no follow links, especially those you naturally earn. Don't run out and create press releases just to get a no follow link.

If you feel your content is at least as good as your competitors, let your ranking settle down before making any changes. If your content is thin, poorly written or full of spelling and grammar errors, revise it and do better with composing new content. Don't leave poor quality content on your site as Google judges your whole site, not just new posts. For more information click here