Get More Out Of Your SEO Content By Following These Tips

Since websites in the top spots in the SERPs get considerably more traffic, some publishers will do anything to get one of the coveted spats. Unfortunately, the sometimes follow bad or outdated advice and end up doing their site more harm than good. Bad advice still offered on the Internet includes:

Buying Links

While Google heaving frowns on link buying, the search results and PPC ads in their SERPs are filled with companies selling links. Companies selling backlinks claim to obtain them from niche blogs, comments, forums and social media. These are usually low quality links and you run the risk of a Google penalty. It's never worth it to buy backlinks. For what the services cost, you could buy great custom content or a custom infographic and naturally earn backlinks.

Creating Short-Form Content

Long-form, in-depth content almost always outperforms short, thin content. There are exceptions to the rule for some types of sites and content, such as dictionaries. Around 800 to 1,000 word articles work well in most cases, as long as you use headers to break up the content. People don't want to read a wall of text.

Writing for Bots

Keyword stuffing or using awkward keyword phrases like cheap plumber Toledo went out of fashion a long time ago. If you write for your visitors, long-tail keywords and semantic versions of them will flow naturally.

Providing a Poor User Experience

Good favors sites that care about their visitors. Elements like confusing navigation, poor readability and pop ups will cause visitors to hit the back button quickly. Google considers a site's bounce rate when looking at the user experience. Website builders claim anyone can get a website up in a day, but if you don't understand UX best practices, your website probably won't perform well in the search results.

Don't lose a potentially good ranking by following terrible advice or using outdated tactics. For more information click here