Fun Poem About SEO Lightened Up Valentine's Day

There are times when devoted computer programmers and marketers get a little creative in their work. Valentine's Day has been an inspiration to many a poet for hundreds of years, and one SEO developer took this to heart. An SEO specialist recently created a fun poem about their passion for SEO and released it on Valentine's Day. This poem features rhyming as well as some truth to the process of using SEO. Although a few of the lines are a bit over-the-top, it is an amusing piece that makes for a much-needed laugh and relief from stress on Valentine's Day. Many people feel stressed about making Valentine's Day perfect. When a person has a partner, finding the right gift, choosing the right restaurant or preparing the ideal meal causes plenty of anxiety. Selecting the right type and color of flowers, flavor of candy or style of jewelry is not always easy. For people who do not have a romantic partner, Valentine's Day can bring a sense of sadness. They may reminisce about a past love interest or wonder why they have not found romantic love as of yet. All of these feelings can make a person feel emotional around Valentine's Day, which is why this fun poem about SEO is important. It relieves tension and breaks the ice. It also fosters a sense of camaraderie with other marketers and developers. You do not have to be an SEO specialist to appreciate the humor and creativity in the poem. Anyone who works in IT will understand it and be able to enjoy the smile that it brings to their lips. Every day, each person should take a minute to find or do something that makes them smile. Even if it is as silly as writing a goofy poem or reading someone else's joke, humor is good medicine. Too much stress, anxiety and worry depresses the immune system and increases the risk of many chronic diseases. While a poem might seem minor, over the long run, humor and a touch of lightheartedness go a long way in improving your health and well-being. For more information click here