Free and Affordable Tools to Analyze and Track Your Backlinks

Making progress on the internet means getting your name out there. Backlinks do that. They also build trust with internet search engines because they feel that if you have a lot of people linking to you, you must have valuable content. And that makes you rank higher.

But backlinks are complicated. There are do-follow and no-follow. No-follow links are easy to get. You can leave on any blog comment. But do-follow are little rarer, and they are like gold.

Keeping track of them is almost impossible. First, you may not get told when someone links to your site. Or they may link to it and specify no-follow.

The Best Tools to Analyze Backlinks

Ubersuggest by Neil Patel

Ubersuggest has a version that is always free.

You can enter a domain, and let Ubersuggest bring up all kinds of important information on it. Domain Authority, page authority, traffic, keywords, and much more!

When you find the section for backlinks, it will tell you total backlinks, even breaking it down into no-follow versus do-follow.

You can see the page where the link lives. You can see the anchor text used, and even see the trend for links over time!

Ubersuggest also does all kinds of research on the domain like analyzing keywords and seeing where they rank on Google.

Many internet entrepreneurs use this tool to get an edge on their competition by using it to analyze their competition.

Link Explorer by Moz

Unlike Ubersuggest, Link Explorer is not free. After 10 searches within a set period of time, you have to pay for Moz Pro to access it.

Like Ubersuggest, you get access to all kinds of tools when you pay for Moz Pro, not limited to link checking.

Its analytics are eerily similar to Ubersuggest. You can see no-follow versus do-follow., track links over time, and check out what your competitors are doing.

Managing your links is easy with these tools. For more information click here