Florida 2 algorithm updates less problematic than expected.

Google continues to update and supplement its search algorithm over time. The Penguin and Panda updates sent shockwaves through the search engine optimization community. Since then, a number of updates have been applied to the algorithm, including Florida 1. Most of these updates either tweak the algorithm to exclude bad search results or improve general performance. The average person couldn't care less about these sporadic updates. In the SEO community, however, such updates can upset the balance for website owners and businesses. Google recently released a so-called Florida 2 update, which applies various changes to the core algorithm. Details are relatively sparse on what the update has actually changed, but that's often the case with these modifications. Regardless, the overall SEO community will eventually figure out the gist of everything that's changed. Anecdotal evidence shows that the update has caused major changes for some websites. Individual sites have seen their rankings and traffic skyrocket. Then again, more than a few have found their rankings dropping faster than ever before. A large number of websites seem unaffected by the changes, though. It seems as though Florida 2 isn't a major algorithm change like past updates - instead we have a minor update to the algorithm. Google appears to desire refinement of its algorithm with Florida 2. Minor changes seem to refine search results, giving quality websites a boost and lackluster websites a downgrade. Therefore, websites that operate within Google's guidelines for best practices haven't seen much of a change. Sites that didn't follow these guidelines in the first place continue to see drastic declines in search rankings and traffic, something that makes total sense. The full effect of Florida 2 won't be known for a few weeks, or even months. For now, most websites don't seem too affected by this algorithm update, and that's positive news. SEO firms won't have to change up their operating procedures. Websites won't have to undergo extensive revamps in order to remain viable in search engine rankings. Google could always implement more drastic changes, but that seems off the table for the time being. Either way, most webmasters and SEO professionals can breath a sigh of relief. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/b12l80/florida2googlealgorithmupdatewhatare_your/.