Find Out Where Your Pay Ranks in the SEO Industry

When you do skilled work at search engine optimization (SEO), and you have a few years of experience under your belt, you might wonder whether or not your rate of compensation is fair. There are several ways to look at your compensation and make that determination. One way is to visit a website such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Bureau of Labor Statistics collects data about how many people work in different areas of expertise. They collect the wage information and separate it into tiers. You can look up you occupation and find out if you are in the bottom 10 percent, bottom quarter, at the median or in the upper quarter or top 10 percent of earners. You can also scan job openings and their starting salaries. If you see that a vast majority of the job openings for new hires with your level of experience or less have monthly or annual compensation rates higher than yours, you may be underpaid. Some occupations have an association or magazine. Your membership may provide you with access to earnings data. When determining if your compensation is fair, avoid talking with coworkers or friends in the field. Comparing salaries with coworkers is typically not allowed at most companies. Friends and acquaintances may inflate their earnings to make them seem as if they are better off or more valued than they really are. If your friend claims to make $50,000 per month for doing the same type of work as you, take that detail with a grain of salt. It is also important to consider your entire compensation package, not just your gross pay or take-home pay. Perhaps you get four weeks of paid vacation, you get to work from home, you get a great health insurance plan and an excellent retirement package, but your gross pay is in the lower quarter for the industry. Overall, your benefits could put you in the upper quarter. There is no harm in finding out where you stand, but you could make yourself unhappy if you spend too much time dwelling on it. For more information click here