Duck Duck Go: A Web Browser That Protects Your Privacy

Duck Duck Go is a popular search engine which has gained 1% of the market share in the USA. The company is basing the content that they serve based on the keywords that their users are searching for. The company is gaining traction as people begin to look for viable alternatives to popular search engines which offer a poorer experience and less privacy.

Offers Personalized Experience For Search Engine

The Duck Duck Go search engine also aims to offer a personalized experience. They also serve the same search results for the same search term that each user inputs into their search engine.

Page Titles Boost Relevancy Of Search Results

They also use page titles in order to boost relevancy of search results. They also don't serve results from websites which have low-quality content and are designed only for the purpose of increasing Google PageRanks.

Greater Control Of Privacy

Another aspect of Duck Duck Go is that they are offer their users greater control of their privacy. Privacy is a major concern for many in response to recent news leaks, Duck Duck Go saw traffic spikes in response. Duck Duck Go does not store any information about its users.

No Algorithm For Indexing Web Pages

Duck Duck Go also doesn't have it's own algorithm for indexing web pages. The company uses technology from Yahoo, Wolfram Alpha, Yandex, and other search engines. It combines these results with Wikipedia to display knowledge to their customers.

Not A Competitor To Major Search Engines

Duck Duck Go doesn't aim to be a competitor to major search engines such as Google. The company aims to offer a different experience to customers looking for more privacy or results that are tailored better to the customer. They do not have an ad network, as they rely on serving ads from Yahoo and eBay for income. For more information click here