Communicating with High Demand Clients

Certain industries are highly competitive, making SEO more difficult and they require more effort. When a client is in an industry, such as insurance or real estate, where their SEO professional has to work extra hard to get them on the first page of the SERPs, clients may not understand why they are paying more than others or they are not seeing the same results. Clients all want to be on the first page of the SERPs for a generic keyword, even though there are a limited number of spots. Industries that are highly competetive include: SEO Insurance Legal - especially personal injury Loans CRM services Mortgage

Any industry where the firm can make a lot of money off one customer is usually competitive. Other clients that present a challenge are ones who are shady and have bad reviews all over the Internet. It's almost impossible to get these types of companies a good ranking because Google looks at reviews as a ranking factor. Unless you can convince your client to clean up their act, there isn't much you can do. Even reputation management can't help unless the reviews are a ploy by a competitor and are false. You absolutely cannot write or obtain fake reviews for a client. Clients see ads from SEO providers offering guaranteed number one results in Google. What they don't realize is that these SEO firms get a client the number one spot in Google for their company name and possible an obscure keyword that has no competition because no one searches for it. Taking clients that won't pay for the intense effort needed to help them rank well in a very competitive industry is pointless. You'll get bad reviews from these clients because they don't understand SEO. If they did, they would do it themselves. For more information click here