Chrome Makes a Cosmetic Update That Confuses a Lot of Users

A person in the Netherlands reported to the design community that a recent Chrome update resulted in sites not showing up with the "www" prefix. This means that there will not be any subdomains. Visitors will not be able to see the site's SSL certificate. This person warns designers and programmers to expect non-www domains when shopping for preferred domains for a new website. This person also suggested that designers update their clients about this change and remind them that everything is still okay and secure.

One person wrote back with a statement that Chrome is still showing subdomains. Another person noted that it hides the http, https and the www. In response, another web designer explained that if a site does not have an SSL certificate, users will still see that it does not show as secure. A person replied and stated that a person who does have an SSL certificate might think that they went through the process and paid the fee for nothing if it is not obvious to a visitor that they have one.

Separately, a person commented that they do not live in the Netherlands, and they noticed this change a while ago. They said that they do see subdomains in Chrome. The original poster replied that the Netherlands seems to be a bit behind other countries when it comes to Chrome and Google updates, and they are not sure why.

Another person wondered if this update is cosmetic or functional. Several people wrote back in response that it is purely a cosmetic update. Even so, a lot of people seem to be confused by it. People assume that it is a functional update, which is the basis for most of the confusion around it. It is possible to see that it is just a cosmetic update by going to edit mode. A person can also check the site in a different browser, such as Firefox. Other browsers have not made this cosmetic update, so if an SSL is in question, a person should just visit the site through another browser like Edge or Firefox. For more information click here