Choosing The Appropriate Posting Method For All Your SERP Content

In any website's efforts to acquire the highest positions in SERPs, it is widely seen as appropriate that uploading content that is a duplicate of content posted on a separate website that has already been indexed will do anything but provide the same level of placement-related success that website already has attained. Google discounting any web page that is made up of someone else's text content is a product of online culture's extreme disdain for plagiarism, and search engines' users would rather see a given page on a SERP populated only by distinct snippets to begin with.

However, if a web page disappears from the Internet so that its contents only exist in hindsight on Google's caching feature and other archival resources, Google will effectively award another website the distinction of being that piece of content's online representation. Since any future websites hosting that content will be considered hosting duplicate content, it appears that the removal of a web page will open it up to being "claimed" by another website even if the original author later intends to set up a new domain and post their piece on there.

If the web page a piece of content originally appeared on goes defunct, then one of the other existing duplicates of it will become that content's representative URL on the SERPs. If there are no other duplicates existing at that time, then the first website to essentially copy that content from an online archive will attain that status. However, the original author can place the content back on their own domain and effectively "take back" said status through a process that involves exercising a license on the basis of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

This process can be avoided if no one had duplicated the content prior to the original author's posting of it on their new domain. A good way to determine that the content only appears on archival resources such as Internet Archive is to use an online plagiarism checker like CopyScape, which lets the user scan the Internet for content that is at least mostly the same. For more information click here