Building a Great Affiliate Review Website with Author Hreview

Do you want people to rate products on your WordPress blog? There's a tool for this; the Author Hreview, which actually has three plugins. Author Hreview has rich snippet markup, with ratings and stars able to show up in Google's search results. One of the plugins allows you to display testimonials from your readers on your blog. WordPress Reviews also lets visitors rate products, with their pros and cons. All reviews feature rich snippets. Affiliate marketers often create review websites and some manage to do it well, adding value for the reader. There are affiliate sites in highly competitive industries, such as credit cards, that rank well because of their keyword-rich content. A useful affiliate review website is well-organized and has in-depth, honest reviews with zero fluff. Banner ads, or any ads for that matter, are not necessary, as they detract from the site. Don't monetize all content; you have to offer useful information that does not contain affiliate links to earn your readers trust. Non-monetized content also helps earn links from mainstream sites. A major news publication may also accept guest articles from affiliate sites that are good sources of information. Knowing your target audience is key to creating an affiliate review website in a competitive niche. A site reviewing dating websites could cater their content toward older persons, instead of trying to create content for everyone. It also helps to have first-hand experience dating as an older person. Readers can tell if your articles ring true. Supplement your own experiences with those of your readers by asking them to share their greatest challenges. Personal experiences make for great reading. While a great plug-in for ratings helps, affiliate review websites need high-quality content to grow. Letting your visitors add their own ratings adds to your trust factor, but only if you promote products that you would use yourself. For more information click here