Boost Website Traffic with Self-Designed Content Marketing Strategies

SEO is the only way you can compete with major brands online. You'll never be able to compete with their PPC spend and still make money. You can also make your website just as professional and exciting, and it won't cost you much to have your site look more modern and sleek. If you can update your site yourself, you'll save money.

SEO is easier for a smaller site since you should have fewer pages than an enterprise site with 1,000 pages. You should do your own SEO to save money as it isn't that difficult, just time consuming. It's worth is though, since SEO gives you the largest ROI.

Can you create as much content as major brands have on their website? Yes, if you're a good writer or you can afford to buy high-quality articles. Consider other types of content as well. If you're good at photography, shooting videos or creating infographics, you can vary your content type. Promote your videos and other content on social media to get people to your website. All your traffic does not have to come from Google.

Change product descriptions if your competitors are using manufacturer's descriptions. Enterprise sites usually just copy the manufacturer's description word for word. You can't change specs, but you can add to the description and make it more interesting and informative.

Use user-generated content whenever possible. Encourage your customers to submit photos of themselves using your product or service with captions. Offer a coupon code or free product with their next purchase. It's worth it to get unique content.

SEO is all about content. Creating one stellar piece of content every week is better than three or four boring blog posts a week. Remember, you're probably not going to be able to compete on backlinks, so this leaves content. For more information click here