5 Key Tips for Your Image SEO

Even though Google's AI can detect image subjects, image SEO is still important. Everyone knows you should name your image files appropriately, without keyword stuffing, but what else can you do?

  1. Use the Best Image Possible

Using the best image possible is essential. You want to use an image with the best quality so you impress your visitors. Visitors engage with articles which have clear, crisp images. If you have a better image than one you currently have on your site, replace it, keeping the same file name. This won't affect your image SEO as Google will index the new image just like they index new content.

  1. Compress Your Images

Compressing your images will make your website load faster and this is one of Google's ranking factors. When you compress your images, the perceived quality should remain the same. You can find free image compression tools online for most image formats.

  1. Use Your Images in Schema Markup

Use structured data on pages of your website related to articles, recipes or restaurant information with images so Google will show your content in a carousel. There's no guarantee Google will display your content in a rich snippet, but if they do, it will help your link stand out in the search results.

  1. Use Original Images

Original images are always better than stock images; your visitors will be able to spot a stock image a mile away. If you cannot take your own photos, look for images with a Creative Commons license to use.

  1. Use Captions

Use captions when it makes sense for the visitor. For example, if the article contains information about several people and you have a photo of one of them, use a caption.

Make image SEO part of every article or post you publish. While it may not be a major ranking factor, every little bit helps. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/dsrqu0/anyonehaveexperiencewithupdatinganimage/.