Choosing SEO Tools That Direct Out-of-Sight Traffic Your Way

When it comes to the rapidly changing world of SEO, you may find it a challenge to know which tools to use to generate the most traffic for your site. Fortunately, there are a lot of good options to choose from.

Two of the more popular options are Ahrefs and SEMRush. SemRush has received good reviews for research and concepts, and Ahrefs has been recommended for competitive analysis and backlinks.

Ahrefs offers pricing on a tiered basis. In other words, you are allowed a certain number of searches per tier, and the organic results from a specific number of top searches are displayed, depending on your subscription level.

SEMRush has a good introductory plan for viewing organic rankings. Beware, however, that this tool has received mixed reviews when it comes to backlink data. For educational purposes, though, it may be a good choice. It has been observed that SemRush offers all the basic tools you need for conducting an SEO campaign, allowing you to track the results in a layout that is easy to use.

Another option to consider is SERPStat. This tool has been around for a while, which means it may be ignored by people who are looking for "the latest new thing in SEO." However, if you are more interested in performance that has stood the test of time than in the latest craze, SERPStat may be just what you need.

There are other tools have that received a fair amount of attention, as well. Some of these include Screaming Frog,, Majestic, BrightEdge, Conductor, and Searchmetrics, to name just a few.

Whichever tools you choose, keep in mind that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to SEO. Experiment with several tools until you settle on the one that is right for you. In fact, often times you will find that a combination of tools work together in a complementary way to fill your specific needs.